Down to the final pair of games. Doesn’t seem like the regular season should end, does it? It will on Wednesday, so you know what that means? Well, two things. One is the playoffs are just around the corner. Thankfully, the Reds have a reservation this year.
By the way, this trio is not allowed to be nominated. (Frank Victores-US PRESSWIRE)
Which, by the way, has yet to be determined where the Reds will begin their playoff drive despite last night’s loss.
So the second thing is, well, hopefully become a new tradition here on Blog Red Machine. I say that because I would like to get our reader’s and Reds fans opinions. There no fancy, schmancy names for these other than the year-end Reds awards. Here is where you become involved…and it won’t take a lot of time either. (DOUBLE BONUS!)
We have three “awards”. They will be similar to the MVP, the Cy Young and, the top rookie or “breakout” performer of the season. Top player, pitcher, and “new guy” or “the guy that had a great season we never saw coming”. You can pull double duty if you wish. Here’s how I’d like this to go…
There are three ways to make your noinations:
1. Within the comments section of this post, nominate your top player, pitcher and rookie/breakout performer. Please note which player is for which award.
2. If you would prefer, leave this information within a comment on BRM’s Facebook page. There are two places you can do so: leave a comment for this particular article OR click on the “Message” button to leave us you take on these.
3. The third way to nominate is via Twitter. Simply tweet us with your nominations using a separate tweet for each award. If you wish (and if you have the characters remaining), use that same tweet as your suggestion the name for that award, but please specify. Best part, no hashtags.
As you now know, you can also help create the names of these awards using the very same process. My only request is that you use a separate comment either on here or our FB page in order to name these awards. The exception has already been specified regarding Twitter.
From now until the start time of the Reds first playoff game will be the nomination process. The top 3 for each category will be taken and the voting process will begin right here on Blog Red Machine. Polls will be inserted within a post in order to determine the winner for each category.
(No other disclaimer needed as no real prize will be delivered.)
So…to recap.
1. Nominate your #1 choice for Reds top player, top pitcher and top rookie/breakout season by leaving a comment here or going to BRM’s Facebook page and leaving a message there. Or simply tweet us your choices. The top three nominees for each category will be involved in final vote. Deadline for nominees is the first pitch of the Reds first playoff game.
2. Utilize the same process to create names for these awards.
3. Enjoy the playoffs!!!
(Okay, the last one isn’t one of the original “rules”, but I hope you get the picture.)