The Utility Player: Reds/Cards, BP/Gloves, More

Finally, All-Star break is over and we get on with the remainder of the regular season.

And look who is in town this weekend: the St. Louis Cardinals. I’m sure there will be Twitter wars developing at some point. Well, that is if they haven’t already and/or if there are carried over from the past two seasons.

So let’s look at some things here…

Seems Joey Votto would like this whole rivalry “thing” between the two teams to go away.

"“We have to learn to turn the page. I think that’s a good quality we should all learn to have in our life. I would like to think that we’ve all seen the error in our ways here, for lack of a better term, and move on. Let’s play ball. If anything happens (this weekend) I’ll be surprised.”— Votto telling gathered media during All-Star Game festivities (via Sporting News)"

Is that so difficult?

Apparently, it is, but I get the feeling it’s not so much the players as it is the fans. Or shall I say specify by saying groups of fans. Every fan base has a portion that loves to stir the pot with the other fan bases. Yes, every fan base. Take to Twitter, Facebook and many forum and message boards during a game and I can guarantee there will be a “resident” of an opposing fan base occupying a team’s “home”.

So is it the fans keeping this alive? You let us know.

BP May Need New Gloves (h/t to Unsportsmanlike Conduct)

This story hit my reader and I have to say, I wasn’t all that surprised.

Apparently, Wilson, the glove manufacturer that provide gloves for Brandon Phillips, is being sued by Rawlings because of teh inclusion of gold in the some of the gloves BP uses. In a suit filed in Federal Court, Rawlings claims such is a violation of Rawlings’ Gold Glove trademarks. You can read about it here.

I’m no lawyer and I don’t play one on TV, but this is all a little silly, for lack of a better (or shall I even infer, bitter) word. I think Wilson had an excellent idea. If the glove were completely gold (which would be a huge violation of the copyright), or even mostly gold, I could understand the suit. To me, the glove isn’t. Look a the pic. Rawlings is even referencing the gold stitching in their suit.

Stop the production of gloves! If we’re using gold thread, webbing and/or stitching, we might be sued!

The other aspect here is that BP himself, although mentioned in the suit, is NOT being sued. Some have stated that he is.

And one last thing. Go back to the link on this. Notice the city. Yep. That’s where the suit was filed.

Guess I now have to vote for “fans” in my own poll…

Former Reds Getting Paid

Edwin Encarnacion inked a three-year deal with the Toronto Blue Jays. Good for him. Glad that EE is getting his due. We know Josh Hamilton will get his after this season as well. Adam Dunn got his big deal prior to last season. Personally, I’m glad these guys are getting their due.

Dunn could have received criticism for walking incorrectly. Many times if there was a negative to be tossed at a Reds player, Dunn was usually the recipient of such. Some justified, some not. Guy had a bat. A good bat that had some holes. Well, some big holes. Still does.

For those pining about EE, ask yourself this: did you wish the Reds hadn’t traded him prior to this year? If your answer is “no”, then I will politely dismiss you from enjoining in any discussion about his inclusion in the Scott Rolen deal. If your answer is “yes”, then I will require some form of testing. There may have been maybe a handful that didn’t want EE gone. That may be a high end estimate, too.

Josh Hamilton? He will bank this off-season. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say he’ll get Votto money. Maybe not the years due to an injury history and potential off-field issues, but yearly average salary is not beyond a possibility.

Point is, they are former Reds. Nice to root for them (and I personally root for each and every former Red unless they are playing the Reds), but they are not returning unless Walt Jocketty has something in mind no one has uncovered. I completely understand the references to how good the Reds might have been if Hamilton were still in a Reds uniform. Key word…might.

If that still drags you down, I can cheer you up…a lot.

Think of how the Reds acquired Hamilton. They purchased his contract from the Chicago Cubs on the same day the Cubs selected him in the Rule V draft. Just for informational purposes, the Reds also selected Jared Burton in that same Rule V draft.

Maloney Having Tommy John

I certainly didn’t enjoy seeing this tweet from former Red Matt Maloney

Ugh. Never want to see a season end on this note or any note where injury and surgery are involved.

BRM wishes Matt and his wife Kalee nothing but the very best.

And Finally…Todd Frazier

Did you honestly think a TUP would go by and nothing about the ToddFather be in it?

So, as some may have gathered, there is an ever-growing debate about how Frazier should be utilized. Apparently, Dusty Baker doesn’t want to be asked about it. Seriously, all you have to do is look at John Fay’s headline about the topic…

“Baker bristles at Frazier question”

Not hard to find it, the bristling that is, either…

"“Plus, I don’t want to be answering this every day about Scottie and Frazier,” Baker said. “I’m going to start telling you from now on ‘manager’s decision,’ like basketball. I don’t know what I’m to do, but I’ll figure it out.”“You get tired of talking about it. It’s going to be talked about over and over for the rest of the year. Let them talk and let me work.”"

Honestly? You will answer it every day, Dusty. As far as the work, well, it’s not exactly brain surgery here. So why the bristling?

I’ll take “No-brainers” for $1,000, please…

What is: “Because Baker may be forced to play Frazier over Rolen. If the Reds are winning with Frazier in the lineup and losing when Rolen starts, common sense dictate which direction you go. Yes, Rolen has been a valued member of the roster. That cannot be diminished, nor should it be.”?

(Crowd applauds correct answer)

And this thought hit me. With today’s 24/7 “cycle” and how persistent it can be, I wonder how Baker would fare these days in large media markets such as San Francisco and Chicago.

That might be for another day.
