So as I sat down to write about another hot topic for the Reds or as I sat down to blow off some smoke over Arroyo’s 24th gopher ball of the season, I could not decide what I needed to say, how I needed to say it, or what magic plan I was going to propose to fix all the Reds problems.
So I decided that I would make a list of all the words that I yell at the TV as I watch each and every Reds game. I am sure that a lot of other Reds fans share the same sentiment with me.
When things are going poorly:
1. What the $%^@ Arroyo?
2. Nice swing Stubbs.
3. Jonny Gomes is the pits of the earth!
4. Throw a %*#@$! strike Volquez! $%^&#$
5. I would rather pass a kidney stone than watch this game.
6. Carlos Fisher makes me nautious
7. What are the chances Cordero comes in and lets 3 guys on before securing this save?
8. Where is Orlando Cabrera?
9. I miss Jon Coutlangus
10. Here comes a first pitch swing from Bruce
11. Would it kill Fred Lewis to steal a base?
12. You have got to be #$%#%^@@
13. What will DatDudeBP tweet after this one?
Ok…so I am not a total pessimist. As much as I dog some of the players while watching the game, I am equally as complementary when things are going well. I think where I differ from a lot of Reds fans is my opinion of Dusty Baker. After Dave Miley and Jerry Narron, Dusty Baker is a God-send. Dusty does not play on the field, and he made enough right moves to get the Reds to the playoffs last season.
I don’t normally jump to fault Baker except for when he puts in Edgar Renteria. So here is what I like to yell when things are going well.
- 1. You can’t fake 105!
- 2. Eat it Chris Carpenter!
- 3. Go Red Stockings!
- 4. Jonny Gomes is one of the greatest Reds of all time
- 5. Will Joey Votto ever make another out?
- 6. There is nothing I love more than watching the Brewers mortgage their future to compete for one year.
- 7. I’d take Johnny Cueto any day of the week.
- 8. If Mike Leake is this good, he can steal as many shirts as he wants.
- 9. Man we got screwed in that Bronson Arroyo trade…Wily Mo Pena is tearing it up in Boston!
- 10. I wonder if Billy Hamilton is to 150 steals yet.
So now let me touch on a few Reds hot topics:
1. Billy Hamilton recently went through at 0-15 stretch with nary a walk during that stretch. Hopefully, Hamilton will begin soon to go through a Devin Mesoraco-type revival with the bat and his batting average. Let’s hope that the hitting coach in Dayton is a good one.
2. Bronson Arroyo is on pace to give up nearly 50 HR this season. That is unfathomable that one pitcher would give up 50 HR in a season. I am getting tired of hearing that Arroyo may not be feeling well or he looks hurt every time he pitches. If something is wrong, some time on the DL might not hurt because Arroyo is much better than he has shown so far this season. The good news is that the veteran still has a lot of opportunity to turn it around.
3. I really hope that Brandon Phillips is voted by the fans to start in the All-Star game. With the Reds needing to resign their star second basemen at the end of this year or next, we as fans need to give DatDude what he deserves and that is a spot in the starting lineup in the All-Star game.
4. Dave Cameron of ESPN radio in Seattle wrote a very interesting piece about the Mariners trading Michael Pineda. He says the Reds could put together the exact package that the Mariners would be looking for. RedReporter put together some interesting thoughts on the article as well.
"Internet baseball guy Dave Cameron suggests the Mariners should take an unorthodox approach to this year’s trade deadline and trade their rookie phenom pitcher Michael Pineda. He mentions the Reds as a perfect trade partner, as they are stacked with position prospects but thin on aces.I seriously doubt the Mariners would ever think of trading the Untradeable, but the idea certainly does blow my hair back."
Rack me. I am out.
Twitter: @AlexAppleDFW or @blogredmachine