I Don’t Get It Either

Twitter is a great tool. BRM uses it, in part, so we have another outlet for our posts. Sometimes, I jump on there to engage in conversation with Reds fans. To me, that’s a good thing. I take that back. It’s a great thing.

But, like almost everything in today’s world of social media, Twitter has the hidden ability to have individuals air out their feelings on certain things. You are practically guaranteed to find a shocking revelation somewhere. And some things just don’t register too well with the reader of these tweets. Case in point, former Reds pitcher Aaron Harang.

Redleg Nation had an excellent and thought provoking (to me) tweet yesterday.

Do not understand the hate for Aaron Harang among some #Reds fans. I hope the big guy has a great season for SD.

When I read that tweet, I immediately went to the search on Twitter. I, like the gang over at Redleg Nation, was appalled at all the negative comments from Reds fans aimed at Harang. Have we forgotten…

I suppose a number of us have. Some may have never had the pleasure to watch Harang while he was in his prime as the Reds #1.

Not a single person can deny that Harang’s last three seasons in a Reds uniform were lackluster. Some may even state they were putrid. But how quickly we forget…

We forget that in 2006, Harang joined a rather notable group. A group of pitchers that led the league in wins and strikeouts. One fact about that ’06 season is that Harang did not receive a single mention for the Cy Young. The inflated ERA and the Reds third place finish may have had something to do with that. If the same were to happen today (yes, it’s only 4+ years ago), he would get a mention or two…at least.

We forget that in 2007, Harang was rated as the Reds top player (according to Baseball Reference) with a WAR of 5.3. The next two were Bronson Arroyo (3.4) and Adam Dunn (3.0). Harang also finished 4th in the Cy Young voting that season.

We forget that now ill-fated relief appearance in 2008 when Harang pitched stellar in a relief outing. Just a month ago, Harang revealed what that outing did (via Sign On San Diego).

“What it did,” said Harang, “is fatigue me beyond the point of recovery. I started to change my arm angle to compensate for the fatigue and that’s when my forearm started to bother me.”

When the Reds were bad, Harang was good. When the Reds sat atop the NL Central at the end of last season, Harang wasn’t. In fact, last year was the only season during Harang’s tenure in Cincinnati where the Reds finished higher than third place and that occurred only once in 2006. Those previous fourth and fifth place finishes within the division cannot be placed solely on Harang’s shoulders.

This just provides even more proof that we’re caught in a “what have you done for me lately” world.